Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Research in the net what is the best assembler and why.Cite your reference.

Due: September 22, 2008

Is any one "quirky" or otherwise confusing to a beginner than the other? They are all completely different. But if you are really going to work on a 16-bit 8088/8086 CPU, then I'd recommend biting the bullet and doing segmentation properly. That means you should use MASM or TASM. A86 doesn't support segmentation? I could've sworn it supported .obj output to a linker...? Should I go with nasm simply because it has an ongoing development community with which to ask questions of? MASM still has the largest user community of all. Granted, most MASM programmers are doing 32-bit code under Windows these days, but NASM is largely 32-bit as well. The advantage of MASM for this project is that you can still find a lot of old books that cover MASM (and TASM) that > do 16-bit DOS code. The few books that exist for NASM are 32-bits and, > typically, for Linux. Duntemann's book is an exception, though.

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